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Monday, Aug. 16, 2004 - 8:34 p.m.

Should have done this a couple days ago, to preserve the moment for posterity, but I'll catch up now.

Friday night I went on a date. Well, maybe a date. We'll see. Anyway, the girl that I started crushing on in Cambodia (whose name is Lydia, by the way) and I went out on Friday night and had a nice time. Long conversation over dinner. Nothing outrageous, but a good time.

Since then, I've talked to her a couple times. Have not asked her out again, and I need to. I'm really into her, and I think she's not adverse to the idea of dating me. So, hopefully this will go well.

In other news, I've been busy. Between work and church stuff, I'm really wondering where school is going to fit in next week. But I've made one change that could help out matters immensly. I accepted the inventory position at work, which means that I'll be working nights, and will in many ways be able to set my own hours. So, instead of having to fit in X number of hours in during the time that the store is open, I can go in at night when I have lots of free time anyway, and do many hours then.

The only inventory I've ever done in the past, though, was for my dad, and that was a nightmare. Mostly because things are never organized where he is concerned. So, I'm thinking this will be a lot better.

Yesterday I just didn't stop from when I got up at 9 to a little after midnight. There was church, then a church picnic, then some of us (Lydia included) went to see The Manchurian Candidate, then there was a Jr. High/High School thingie, then a college group thingie, then when I got home there were people there, too. Still, I had fun at everything, but it was almost a nice change of pace to actually go to work today.

So, the parents are out of town for the next couple days, so I grabbed myself a six-pack of Anchor Steam. Their aware of the fact that I drink beer on occassion, but technically the camp is an alcohol free environment, so I don't want to have to deal with that. So, I'm having a nice evening to myself, watching Long Ride Home, which is a lot of fun every once in a while.

So, that's been my weekend. Good times, all in all, and a first date, the first first date in a long, long time. Hope you're having fun, and I'll chat at you later.

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