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Friday, Aug. 06, 2004 - 11:03 p.m.

Feeling much better, thank you. Still haven't gotten to the Cambodia Journals. I need to start transcribing those, so I can post them here. And do anything else with them...

School starts soon. Grade school kids just started yesterday, which is just crazy. I'm not nervous like I was at the beginning of last semester. Not about school, that is. I'm starting to realize just how much other stuff I've got going on, and how busy this semester will be. All the church stuff, writing for the paper, work and school. It's going to be a busy couple o' months.

Until then, though, I'll just enjoy the large amounts of free time that I do have. Time to watch movies, time to read, time to play Kingdom of Loathing, time to do just about anything I want (within my price range, which is free). I'm not going to have that luxury in a month's time.

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